Tawny Bettinger showing off her purple Gipsy Dharma boots.

Just posting a really great photo from Tawny Bettinger showing off her Gipsy Dharma boots! It is amazing how different colours can reflect a mood, or influence a mood or feeling. These beautiful purple leather boots worn by Tawny Bettinger give a sense of calm and mystery. Other colours can create different environments or even change our mood. Whether you choose colours of clothing and footwear or for your home décor, you will notice that colours will enhance the way you feel. Blues for example can be really cool and calming, whereas reds and oranges can feel warm and sexy. However by adding orange with yellows you can create a bright and uplifting mood that reflects the sunshine or a new day. When choosing colours of clothing or footwear consider how these can make you feel, and pick the colours that best reflect how you want to feel or suite the occasion. And also think about how you can complement certain styles with a combination of colours.