A daytime phone number is now required at checkout.

From now on Gipsy Dharma customers will be asked to input their daytime phone number during checkout. It is needed for the shipping company in order to contact you in case there is no one at the address you have provided. I will need your phone number in time of placing an order from now on. The order can not be delivered without the phone number. All major shipping agents require a daytime phone number to ensure a timely & safe delivery of your goods.Your phone number will never be used for any kind of telephone marketing. Please disregard if you already received your order. :) Many thanks! It’s a nightmare when you are waiting for a delivery and it seems to take forever, especially if you have taken time off work or changed your plans specifically so you can receive your parcel. In many cases you might even need it by a certain time for a special event, or a birthday for example. It’s great when it finally arrives but it can be pretty frustrating and upsetting if you find you miss your parcel, because they didn’t ring the bell or you had to nip out or they came outside of the times they said they would. That’s why it’s so important that you give a contact number to the company when you place your order. This ensures that both the delivery driver and company can contact you about your order and when it will be delivered, making it much less stressful for you and making sure you get your special parcel right on time!
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