The importance of being connected with Mother Nature.

You may think you are happy with your life, or perhaps you feel something is missing and you are looking for that missing piece to the jigsaw. And the reason for this is because we are all tied up in the huge consumerist market that life has become. We work hard, but then spend it on material possessions to make our home appear better or on the latest gadget we think will make life easier to manage. The truth is for many people, they have lost their way in life, or perhaps never even found it! No wonder we love a trip into the Lakes or the Mountains of Snowdonia! We don’t realise it but we are naturally connected with Mother Nature and feel at our most comfortable with nature and the natural environment. It is incredibly important to get away from it all occasionally, and no that doesn't mean a bottle of wine on the sofa in front of the soaps! Spending time away from the hustle and bustle of life and all the technology we have become so used to, is really good for both out physical and mental well-being. It allows you to energize and reflect on things, feel close to nature and clear your mind. This is also the point at which you can think clearer and gather your most inner thoughts and feel truly inspired to fulfill your goals.

If we forget the true meaning of our life, the very nature around us then it’s easy to become absorbed in a world of meaningless existence. By being connected with Mother Nature you can begin to feel a real meaning to your life which helps you to be more successful in other areas of your life. Gipsy Dharma’s range of boots have been designed to help people be inspired and get in touch with the natural side of life. Whether that be exploring the world or discovering new things, new people, new cultures, you can begin to shape your whole doctrine of life and become ever more positive and ultimately feel fulfilled. Just by taking time out when you can and strolling through the countryside or sitting by a lake you will be amazed at the power of Mother Nature and how your thoughts and feelings can be transformed. Getting out into nature is great for your health, as you get lots of exercise and fresh air in your lungs as well as feeling completely refreshed both inside and out. Your friends will be amazed at the new you after a few days away from the usual urban living!

And don’t forget to leave all your gadgets at home! There’s no point going on an incredible journey with Twitter in your back pocket, so make the most of the freedom and turn off all your social media. A break in nature can cure a number of things including stress and anxiety, as well as enabling you to think clearly and come back to your everyday life with a whole new lease of life. So the next time you get an opportunity to take some time off work, don’t be tempted to stay in all day at home – get out and explore, you never know what you might just discover! Or who! And what better way to go on a journey with Mother Nature than in the style and comfort of some gorgeous Gipsy Dharma knee high leather boots in a beautiful colour that reflects your wonderful personality. The right footwear or image really will help you to feel good about yourself and take a step towards changing your life for the better.

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