How to drop everything and travel the world.

When you spend most of your time in the same old routine of work, family, chores and all other life’s responsibilities it can be hard to imagine it being any different. The thought of going off and travelling even one other country never mind the world is a wonderful thought for most women but that is all it is – merely a dream. So why do so many of you choose not to take the plunge and drop everything and completely change your life? Well in most cases the answer is simply because you are facing the unknown – there is no security or guarantees wherever you go. You may have spent years perfecting your home, working up the ladder in your job and raising your children, so the thought of leaving all that to pursue something so different is pretty surreal! But that doesn’t necessarily mean it cannot be done, not at all. There are lots of ways of being able to take time out to pursue your own happiness. Imagine all the things you can do and experience if you could just drop everything? What would you do? Visit different countries, stay with families from different cultures, experience a whole different world to the one we all know but there is so much more too. By meeting new people, and discovering new cultures you could be opening up your mind to new possibilities, completely transforming your outlook.

For most people, it is understandable that you’d be worried about money – how on earth are you going to fund it and what do you do with all your things? Well the answer is right there! Use your possessions to fund your trip. It may seem very daunting to sell everything and just go but how exciting that would be! And don’t dwell on the time and money it has taken you to build up your home, be positive! You’ve done it before so you can do it again! And next time maybe you’ll want to set up camp in Mongolia? Who knows? But the point is, if you don’t step out of your comfort zone to find out then the chances are, you will never know. It is really important to push ourselves from time to time as this is the only way we can learn about ourselves and the things around us. Yes you’ll have to sort out the logistics of your adventure but that is half the fun. If you are going alone then it is simple as you only have your own funding or travel to arrange. Rent your house out if you own it or just give notice if you currently rent. Put anything in storage that you would rather keep or ask a friend to store some things to save you money, then start your research into travel and accommodation.

Consider different forms of travel and think about volunteering with organisations where you can get free accommodation in return for some work. There is a plethora of things you can do and ways to do them! If you have family, then get them involved, and if they are young then it is possible to arrange to take them out of school providing you can provide education at home, but what an adventure that would be – learning about the world in the very places history occurred! And to inspire you even more on your journey, invest in a pair of gorgeous Gipsy Dharma boots for a truly amazing experience, and the perfect way to start a conversation and meet new people from all over the world. Gipsy Dharma boots really do inspire you to discover the world and have the experience of a lifetime in true comfort and style!

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