Two new colours of Gipsy Dharma boots.

Two new colours of Gipsy Dharma boots have been released today: Aqua and Another glass of red. With two new beautiful colours to introduce to the Gipsy Dharma catalogue, you can go out in style with the new cool aqua or another glass of red. A new colour or style to add to your wardrobe is perfect for achieving a fresh start and helping you to brighten up your life. From relationships to work and social life you can expect to see positive changes that really help improve your life. So brush away those cobwebs, by creating a new refreshing and unique style and see how a new and exciting image can really transform your life! You can even go all out and be more adventurous by choosing colours you wouldn’t normally wear. You’ll be surprised at how a bright yellow or cool blue can improve your look and make you feel fabulous! Life is always better when you add a little more adventure and creativity, so don’t delay and feel the difference.